A gif of Dr Loboto looking and holding a medical tool

The one who (technically) started it all... my biggest 2D love for about 3-4 (and incoming more!) years, Dr Caligosto Loboto of the D.D.S!!!

Gosh, where do I start? She was one of the first characters I ever saw of psychonauts before I got hyperfixated due to my exposure from the Smile For Me fandom, innitially she actually wasn't my fan fave cause during the time I had gotten into psychonauts which was 2020, it was in the inbetween of awaiting for psychonauts 2 while being pretty late to the psychonauts 1 and rhombus of ruin hype train, so by then Cali was actually considered quite an overrated/popular character due to her backstory being explained in rhombus of ruin and I guess out of some feeling of "ooo I gotta be different" I tried not to get too attached to her but as you can see, that obviously did not work XD.

It was early in 2021 when quite a few things that lead to one another had me institionalized in which I gained a very strong attachement towards Caligosto that soon became a crazy obsession at it's peak from 2021 to early 2022 where literally all I could talk, think or draw about was Cali. While due to my psychonauts interest kinda fizzling down nowadays, I don't talk much about Cali anymore, she still remains a very important character to me that I take great comfort in and I don't think my love for her will ever go away. I am one of the few Caligosto Loboto understanders...

Really good images/gifs of her

Dr Loboto Analysis

click the image below to go back

a spinning gif of a brightly colored 3d model house
Buck Tooth Heart