Previously named the "Psychonauts fans on the web" webring, the Collective Unconscious is a webring aimed towards fans of the adventure platformer franchise Psychonauts. Whether you're a long time superfan or just a casual enjoyer of the games, anyone who has an interest in Psychonauts with a website of their own is welcomed to join!
This webring is not only inspired by the many different franchise related webrings but a homage to all the great early fansites of the game such as!
check out our current list of members here!Rules
- The webmaster has to be over the age of 13.
- Social media such as Twitter, Tumblr or the like are not allowed. Same applies to carrds, strawpages or rentries. Personal websites only.
- Your website does not have to be soley focused on psychonauts, basic requirements is to just be a fan/have an interest in psychonauts.
- Websites that contain discriminatory or otherwise hateful/harmful content are obviously not allowed.
- Please inform me if you've changed your site url as to not break the webring.
- 18 and up/mature sites are allowed but you must inform me so it can be marked as so.
- I am allowed to reject any applications for any reason.