Where the Dead Go to Die is a 2012 adult animated horror anthology film directed, written, animated, composed and animated by James "Jimmy ScreamerClauz" Creamer. While a rather obscure horror film, it's managed to garner up infamy for being an example of extreme cinema, being wildy regarded as a bad/the worst horror movie out there for many reasons. I've actually had a certain period of my life where I was obsessed with the horror/extreme cinema genre where I aimed to try and watch as many slasher/horror movies as I could from the classics such as Texas chainsaw massacre 1 and 2, Re-animator, the Black Christmas 1974, Chucky etc to much more obscure films such as Devil Woman Doctor of the guinea pig franchise and Taxidermia 2006. While on my horror movie fix I thought of this movie which I even knew at the time was very infamous for two major things, one it's janky and uncanny valley animation and it's god awful and tonedeaf writing style/story. I eventually watched the movie for myself and thought the same, regarded about the really weird parts of the plot and carried on with my life till now when I got the idea of reviewing/analysing this movie and why it failed so hard not only on a technical level such as animation or story but as an example of extreme horror media having indulged and had friends who are avid fans of the genre.
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