Main Characters


Dook Dookovsky


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The official Cosmic Cowboys website description:

Dook was part of the space pioneers; he opened the way, just as real cowboys who explored the Wild West did.

He’s a humanoid mule who carries his maturity with the utmost poise. His deep voice immediately captures one’s attention and gives his words, used sparingly, tremendous weight. A "Hi" from Dook means, "Be careful, I'm not joking".

We guess that he underwent a terrible downfall, perhaps due to Cereal Bob himself. Before Curtis’ arrival he had some trouble accepting having been put on the scrap heap, as it were.

“In the infinite, no frontiers, and the wild always waits behind all their technology. Believe you me, the work never ends and though I've heard of such a thing as routine, never encountered it myself."

In the face of cosmic chaos, Dook maintains an unshakeable faith in the virtue of rules: "Rules, the only truth there is, the only way to keep this whole thing going, believe you me."

Against a lawbreaker, Dook is always convinced that a mere reminder of the law will suffice to return things to their proper order. "And if they don't get it there’s always my lasso!"

But if his vast experience has equipped him with a fine collection of principles, it doesn't seem to have taught him patience. He doesn’t understand how anyone can resist him since he represents no less than the force of the law. So he lowers his head with his eyes clamped shut and charges forward.

Dook takes everything at face value, believes that "giving one's word" means all, lives by a strict code of honor. He believes in order, work, honor, and above all the sanctity of life in all its forms. This mixture of rigidity and paternalism means that he is always both pained and outraged by the existence of evil. His reaction to petty theft and extortion invariably begins with a heavy sigh, then quickly turns more severe.

To sum things up, Dook is a combination of John Wayne and Lino Ventura. But, above all, he is an honest guy who has shaped himself according to these values because these values correspond to his physical type. A good and unfailingly courageous guy, both sincere and ever so gently irritating; a sort of Boy Scout who will help an old lady across the street even if she has no intention of crossing.

Dook is more than an imitation of John Wayne; he has a more “uptight” side to him. He’ s the older brother you like but find hard to put up with because he always has to do everything just right. Dook can try to come on like a dark and mysterious hero, but when you get to know him you realize he is possessed of an almost absurd sensitivity, whether in relation to banjo music, cowboy outfits, classical dance or his undying attachment to Puritan values.


Curtis Babbleman


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The official Cosmic Cowboys website description:

CURTIS is a former crook. Being a cowboy is for him less a way of getting even than a matter of redemption. He took up the way of the cowboy as a challenge and now he loves it. It’s his way of remaining original, of letting off steam – and staying on the right side of the law.

Curtis offers an alternative to Dook’s rational hulk. Whereas for Dook rules provide the remedy for all the problems of the Universe, for Curtis they're nothing but red tape. There is nothing he finds more unbearable than to have to write a report or cite an article of law.

"Let's get one thing straight, rules make for pretty paper on a wall, but when it comes to action, you've got to know how to improvise. No time for dithering over rules."

Of course, he's just as concerned about justice, but in his opinion, it's a matter of what seems obvious, what the instincts tell you. Which is only normal for a mutating cat. He thinks he knows what's right and what's wrong. His own experience has given birth to his convictions.

We don't know the exact details of his past, but the various allusions he makes make it clear that if he is today a representative of law and order, at one point he was on the other side of the law...It was all a question of opportunity, intelligence, and, of course, instinct.

His straight talk and mastery of all the slang of the Universe clearly indicate that his is of the culture of the streets: his mistrust of rules comes from there, as do his biting, devastating irony and more than his fair share of humanity that he does his best, unsuccessfully, to conceal. Curtis never shows how moved he can actually be and his preferred way of showing appreciation of another character is through remarks like, "you're dumber than a lead sink, dink.” He is incessantly combing his hair, and perfecting his bowlegged cowboy strut. A shameless ham, he can't stand being ignored and spares no excess in efforts to be the center of attention. Indifference is the worst torture for him.

If Dook is a cowboy of the wide, open spaces, Curtis is more a Midnight Cowboy. Possessed with the gift of the gab, he uses his verbal skills as a shield, sometimes to defuse conflicts, sometimes to precipitate them. Curtis is courageous (Dook would say “oblivious”), but he is not all that foolhardy. He puts more stock in agility and suppleness than brute force. His mode of attack is to dodge and evade and his best defence is to run away. Curtis loves speed and efficiency. He can't stand missions that drag on and on. He's often the one who solves the tough problems with a little stretching and bending of the rules.

Proud and obstinate, with a mocking smile quick to appear on his lips, Curtis is more clever than intelligent, strictly speaking, which means that he can be frightfully effective...or totally irresponsible! He’s the kind of guy kids like to hang around with, a wild, unpredictable joker, a prankster who pulls tricks all kids dream of pulling but don’t dare to try. He’s a perfect example of a typical “nutty” guy like Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Woody Woodpecker – but even further out than they are. For since he’s a sheriff’s deputy, his lack of respect for discipline and authority make him even more appealing.

Sheriff Mammy

Sheriff Mammy/Granny


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The official Cosmic Cowboys website description:

The Cosmic Cowboys work for Mammy. She’s the sheriff. But, by the nature of their relations, she could easily be their mother or grandmother. When she materializes she brings our duo sharply to heel, given that they are usually busy squabbling or…simply lazing about: “Playing cards again?”

It's quite possible that they've never actually met her. Her transmissions apparently come from her own home, judging from the cosy setting, with Mammy sitting in a big easy chair, knick-knacks and doilies all over the place

Her expression is as austere as a school headmistress and she dresses like a church marm. But such an appearance conceals a much more lively personality as is made apparent by the silly jokes she cracks and laughs at heartily before settling back into her Spartan expression.

The other thing that distinguishes Mammy from any old grandmother is her responsibility, which is far from ordinary. Because it's her who is the nerve center for discerning all the problems of the Universe and sounding the alarm. She's the one who gives the Cowboys their missions and who expects them to keep accounts: she sends them in pursuit of lawbreakers, sends them off to save planets, or simply to walk her dog. She gives the orders and they obey.

Mammy is authoritarian like a stern mother, but also anxious like a mother hen. She never sends them off without a last minute tip, or a sandwich, or a scarf which she transmits via the molecular transmitter behind the bar.

Viewers will never see her apart from on the mirror in the saloon. She remains, therefore, an enigmatic character since we'll never learn just how it is she manages to know exactly what is going on at all moments in the Universe. The big metal star she wears on her bosom establishes her as a sheriff. And she does all she can to make sure that the galaxies she's in charge of stay in good order.

Mammy has no special affective relationship with Cereal Bob: she’s just doing her job.

Cereal Bob

Cereal Robert/Bob


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The official Cosmic Cowboys website description:

He’s an adorable pink rabbit that immediately inspires the tenderness of all who cross his path.

However, behind his cuddly, inoffensive appearance hides public enemy number one. He's a dangerous monomaniacal madman whose only goal is to show people who he really is. For Cereal Bob is BAD, even when he seems Mr. Nice Guy. He doesn’t hesitate to use the particularities of various planets to transform them into machines of destruction. He's always on the watch for natural catastrophes which can be used for more damage, and sets them in motion when their natural course fails to suit his timing. Cereal Bob isn’t interested in money and power; it’s the ways in which he pulls off the crime, attains new summits of evildoing in low-down exploits that motivate him.